Here we explore everything that you need to know about Dental Veneers in Turkey, including what dental veneer is, how it is performed, considerations before and after treatment, average cost, best dental clinics and dentists for dental veneers in Turkey (Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir, Ankara) and why Turkey is such a popular destination for dental care and dental treatments.
What are Dental Veneers?
Dental Veneers is sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain. They are water-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials that are made to cover the front surface of your teeth. It helps to make your dental appearance look better.
They are the solution to a better appearance for your smile. They are your best choice especially if you have a chipped tooth, and it gives you a classical shaped look.
You can decide to get one veneer for a broken tooth, depending on your needs, the top front 8 teeth are the common spots for veneers.
Types of Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are made out of porcelain or composite resin, but there is also the no prep veneer that is not invasive, with minimal alterations, and is done through a different process than the others.
1. Porcelain veneers
Your dentist starts by grinding down your teeth and makes an impression of your teeth for the mold. The mold will then be sent out to the lab where your porcelain veneer will be made. There are temporary veneers that can be used before the permanent ones are ready.
When your veneer is ready, your dentist can then place it on the tooth and cement it in place.
2. Composite resin veneers
Your dentist will etch the surface of your tooth before applying a thin layer of the composite material to your prepared tooth.
Your dentist finishes by curing or hardening the composite veneers with a special light.
3. No prep veneers
This includes other options like lumineers and vivaneers, they are specific brands of porcelain veneers. They usually take less time to get done and are non-invasive procedures, it does not require anesthesia. And only affects the enamel and not the tooth.
How are dental veneers put on?
After creating your mold, your dentist will get your veneers from the lab after a week or two depending on when it is ready.
After which an appointment will be set up for you to come in.
Your dentist evaluates the fit, shape, and coloration of the veneers to make them perfect for you.
Your dentist will clean your mouth thoroughly, so bacteria does not get trapped under your veneer and cause decay.
Your dentist will use a grinding tool that helps to create a rougher texture on the tooth as the veneer goes in, this helps to make it easier for it to stick onto the tooth.
How to prepare for your appointment?
Before going in for your veneer procedure, you will have your first appointment with your dentist.
This is to help both of you to discuss your options and what will be right for you, and how many veneers you would need to put in.
Your dentist can take an X-ray to evaluate the health of your teeth, looking out for any sign of possible decay, root canals, or if you have any gum disease.
With any of these conditions, you will not be a great candidate for a dental veneer until they are taken care of.
To get the right size for your veneer your dentist will trim down a bit of your tooth to make the mold and send it to the lab to create your veneer,
What types of problems are veneers recommend for?
If you have any of the following problems, a veneer will be useful;
- If your teeth are chipped or broken
- If your teeth are worn down
- If you have gaps between your teeth that you want to close or misaligned teeth.
- If your teeth are discolored because of: stains from drugs, excessive fluoride, root canal treatment
Benefits of dental veneers
- Your gum will tolerate porcelain well
- Porcelain veneers are stain resistant
- Less tooth enamel will be removed
- They make your tooth look natural
- They are stronger, and they look better
- They are easy to be fixed if they get damaged.
How long do dental veneers last?
Dental veneers generally last between 7 and 15 years, after then you will need to replace them.
What to expect with dental veneers
Before the procedure
- Before you get a dental veneer, you need to have healthy teeth and gum. Your dentist will treat any tooth issue you may have, decay or disease before putting in your veneers.
- If you usually clench or grind, a thin veneer may not be the best option for you, because you can chip or break it.
- Before your procedure, your dentist will remove a little tooth enamel, and once this process starts, it can not be undone.
- If your veneers get loose, you can get new ones
After your veneers
- Keep your teeth and gum healthy by brushing and flossing daily.
- It may take you a few days to get used to the veneers in your mouth.
- They can chip or break, so avoid chewing hard things or biting your nails.
Dental Veneers in Turkey
If you decide to have your dental veneers in Turkey, you’ll find out it’s a great idea. Turkey is one of the best places to have any dental treatment done, and it is cost-effective and affordable for everyone.
Why is Turkey a Popular Destination for Dental Veneers?
Turkey is an exceptionally popular destination for medical tourism for a variety of reasons! First, the country has a long history of medical excellence. In fact, many of the world’s most renowned cosmetic medical schools are located in Turkey. This means that there are plenty of experienced medical professionals to provide high-quality care. Dental Veneers is one of the trending and popular selections for medical tourists coming to Turkey for dental care.
Second, Turkey is a relatively affordable destination for medical tourism. The costs of medical procedures and treatments are often much lower than in other countries, such as the EU or US. This makes it an attractive option for people who want to receive quality care without spending a fortune.
Finally, Turkey is a beautiful country with plenty to explore and discover. After receiving treatment, many medical tourists take advantage of the opportunity to explore all that the country has to offer. From its stunning coastline to its vibrant cities, Turkey is an unforgettable destination!
Istanbul can be considered as the best city to have a Dental Veneers in Turkey. And then comes the other cities such as Ankara, Antalya, and Izmir.
How much does it cost a Dental Veneers in Turkey?
Average cost of a dental veneers in Turkey is usually between $300 and $500 for one tooth. The exact cost will depend on the dentist and dental clinic you choose and the teeth structure you have.
Best VIP Dental Clinics & Dentists in Turkey for Dental Veneers
Are you looking for a good dentist or dental clinic in Turkey for your dental care and treatments? If you want to experience and enjoy great results, you’ll need to book your treatment at an advanced dental clinic and dentist. Here are our top picks for top and VIP clinics and plastic surgeons for Dental Veneers in Turkey: